Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weekend Notes: Not Whipple Time in the Heights?

- Thatguysports has a source who claims that Boston College may not be settled on Mark Whipple as their next head coach, but perhaps former Assistant Jeff Jagodzinski may have the inside track to the job. I don't know who this guy is, but right now he's the Offensive Coordinator with the Green Bay Packers.

At least he's an offensive coach, although I'd prefer to see Whipple here. He's a bigger name, and right now BC needs to recruit better players to make the leap next year. I love the idea of Matt Ryan playing in an offense run by Whipple. Lets hope Jagodzinski doesn't turn Matt Ryan into Brett Favre.

- Thanks to UMass last night for blowing two opportunities to put more points on the board and missing the over in the game by 2 points. Booo to you Minutemen.

- The next couple Saturdays suck. No good college bowls on, too soon for college hoop, and the NFL Network gives us Bryant Gumbel as a play by play announcer. I've always wanted a play by play guy to tell me what just happened, about 5 seconds after it finishes. I'm still convinced the NFL Network audio is screwed up and doesn't sync with the HD telecast. Collinsworth is overrated too. Bad announcing team. Good pregame though.

- I can't imagine things feel worse for the Duke Lacrosse players who were accuses of rape by the stripper (read: hooker) in Durham. Now she's preggers and a judge is mandating paternity tests. I wonder of they'll be revealed on Maury Povich. This has to suck. I mean either they say they didn't touch her, or if they did it was consensual....but imagine knocking her up? What a nightmare. 18 years of a nightmare to be exact.

That's about it for today - I'm not busy all day long so as news breaks, I'll surely comment on it.

Kind of surprised we didn't have any pro-cycling idiots tell me that Lance wasn't on the bean. Nice to see they realize he was.

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