Saturday, February 03, 2007

Weekend Notes: The NBA Gets it Right (Finally)

Carmello Anthony isn't on the all star team right now, and for good reason. He was suspended for over a month for sucker punching somebody in a game, and that tends to overshadow being the leading scorer in the NBA. Sorry, but lengthy suspensions tend to over-rule some things.

It still astounds me that "lights out" Merriman was chosen for the Pro-bowl after being suspended for steroids.

Some other things around the world of sports:

- Brett Favre isn't retiring. YAWN. He is completely useless as an NFL QB and this is going to end in tears. You think the Ted Johnson story with painkillers and/or medications is a sad one, just wait until "the gunslinger" winds up drooling all over the place, eating vicodin like candy.

Retire don't have it anymore.

- The Celtics lost The Durant/Oden sweepstakes continues.

- Thank God one of the best tournaments to watch in Golf, the FBR Open is on tomorrow to cut out the requirement to watch 4 hours of the Peyton Manning love-fest.

Superbowl predictions coming tomorrow.


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Anonymous said...

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